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作者:zhangxp  来源:本站  发表时间:2020/9/17 17:04:12  热度:1433℃


Most afraid of two people's experience is different, a new love, after a thousand sails will not love


You will find that you do not have those pride, everything has become easy-going, no longer to argue, no longer to go.


Suddenly found that I do not seem to have any friends, also do not have the person who loves me very much, my heart suddenly also empty, originally I so lonely, boundless sea of people


Because of you, I have a clear and extravagant understanding of love. I am not pursuing actively or maintaining it deliberately


Because of you, I have a concrete and intuitive concept of home, accurate to a certain scene, the color of a light.


These years, I don't know how much money I spent, how many friends I made, and how many insincere words I said.


Don't compare life with others, pursue difference, each has its own way of life, life, health and stability is good.

8.“后来的后来没有了我们 放过了你 也放过了我”

"We let go of the rest, and you let me go."

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